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BNC OER+ Student Support
BNC OER+ Student Support
Getting Started
How do I access my course materials?
What is my Username?
How Do I Change my Password?
What Devices Can I Use to Access BNC OER+?
Navigating Your Course
How do I Check my Progress?
How do I navigate my course?
Where can I find my assignments in BNC OER+?
How Do I Know What I Have Already Done in Courseware?
Payment Support
Buying an Access Code
How Do I Purchase the Optional Print Companion?
Paying for BNC OER+
Troubleshooting & Support
I Can't See the Reading Content in Safari
What are the system requirements and how do I check my browser?
What if I Press “Submit” on an Assignment Before I am Finished?
How Do I Know What My Assignments Are?
What Do I Do if I’ve Been “Locked Out” of My Account?
I Lost my Password, Now What?