How Do I Know What I Have Already Done in Courseware?

Your progress in Courseware is designated by an orange or green check mark.

Within each section, there is a Self Check Quiz, which is designed help you gauge your understanding of the content presented in that section and determine your readiness to move. As you move through the Learning Path and complete the Self Check Quizzes (getting 70% or better), an orange check mark appears next to the section name where you are deemed generally proficient in that content.


Also the "Section Proficiency" progress ring will begin to fill in.


Once you have successfully completed the Self Checks for each section, you are considered ready to take the Chapter Quiz.

Note that these Self-Checks are designed as guides to help you understand your level of comprehension of the content. Although they have been set up originally as ungraded practices quizzes, your instructor may adjust the settings and grading. 

For Assessments at the chapter level, a green checkmark will appear when a submitted Discussion, Activity or Quiz is graded. 

As you successfully complete assessments that are aligned to Learning Objectives, your Chapter Proficiency ring will begin to fill in.

Note that your Proficiency is not the same as your grade for an assessment or the class. Proficiency is your understanding of a specific learning objective.






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