You can create a new LoudBook in both the Repository or in the Learning Path. If you do it in the Repository, click on Resources > LoudBook and then Add New. By creating it here, you will still need to add it to your learning path, so the students can view the resource.
To edit a LoudBook, all you need to do is make sure you are in edit mode and click on the resource you want to change. You can also remove the links within the Learning Path by clicking on the drop-down menu once you are in edit mode.
To add a LoudBook, you need to be in edit mode and use the plus sign to add.
Clicking on the plus sign allows you to add both resources, assessments, and instructional units to your path. You will click on the appropriate plus sign depending on where you want the resource to go. As shown above, if you want the resource to go within the module or chapter area, but not within a section, you will use the plus sign that is associate with the module (next to Introduction to Psychology). Once you click on the plus sign, you will be able to add or create a new LoudBook.
LoudBooks is our proprietary eReader.
Remember, click on the plus sign to add a resource to your Learning Path. Once you are in the add resource area, to create a new LoudBook, click on “LoudBook” and then “Author New” at the bottom.
You are required to include a Name for the LoudBook (used to store the LoudBook in your bookshelf and is searchable for use in subsequent courses), determine how you want to bring in the content, and Dates. All other areas are optional.
- Name: be as descriptive as you can, so students will know what the LoudBook will contain.
- Content Type: what type of content is this? For a LoudBook, it could be Essential Reading, Related Reading, Chapter, Textbook, etc.
- Description: this area can provide additional information to the students on what they should expect within the LoudBook. It can also provide a citation to the content of the LoudBook.
- LoudBook Content: You have two options when authoring a LoudBook: Author Inline or Link from Bookshelf.
- Author Inline will allow you to create your LoudBook by typing into the book or copy/paste from a different source.
- Upload file will allow you to import a PDF or Word document directly into LoudBooks.
- Link from Bookshelf will allow you to link to a PDF, Word, or publisher content. If you don’t see it there, contact your administrator to see how to upload it into the system. For sandbox purposes, you may not have bookshelf content.
- Add to Library: you can add this content to the Library and therefore making it available to others for access and use. I would not recommend this, unless it is a LoudBook that is universal to many courses that you don’t have access to. Work with your admin if you feel this is something you want to do.
- Dates: allows you to add visibility dates to the LoudBook.
Visibility Dates
All resources have the option to add visibility dates, so you can control when students will see the Resource within the Learning Path. You can also do this at an instructional unit level. This area will go through how to set up visibility dates, which will then apply to each resource.
When creating a resource, there will be a section titled Dates. When you expand this, you can customize visibility dates to your course.
As you see by the red asterisk, Dates are mandatory. The default for dates is “Always Visible.” If you want to apply specific visibility dates, select “Visible From.”
Hint: You are able to set all your dates in the Planner, instead of going to each resource to change the date.
You can also set a specific time for your date. The default is 00:00:00, which means the resource will open at midnight.
You also have the option of adding to the student calendar. You can put a suggested start date or start and end date to show the students on the calendar when you feel they should be working with the resource. The end time will always default to 23:59:59, which is 11:59:59 pm. The times are in military time, so be careful when you want something to start or end in the afternoon or evening.
** NOTE ** Dates will be available for every resource, so refer here if you need guidance on setting it up.
- Meta Tags: allows you to include tags for the content you want to include. You will use a comma to separate tags if you have more than one.
- Learning Objectives: by clicking on Manage, you can align this content with any of the competencies / outcomes you added to the course in the last section.
You can use LoudBook to create readings for students, bring in publisher content directly into the course, create a welcome or syllabus book, and anything else you want students to use the unique collaborative and sharing tools while they are reading.
New Content
To create new content, you will click on the button and, the first time, will be asked to accept the “Terms of Service.” You will be able to create content within the LoudBook interface (as shown below) or you can upload a file (Word, PowerPoint, or PDF).
To author inline, you will use the HTML editor to create your pages or paste from another document. Make sure you save your page when you are done with the page or as you develop, so you don’t lose your information. You can create as many pages as you want, but remember, save before adding another page. You can link to or embed video into your pages. Once you are done adding pages, make sure you click “Save” at the bottom of the LoudBook.
Link Existing
When you save, you will see the created LoudBook (.lb) under LoudBook Content. At this point, you can edit it, delete it, or click on “New Content” tab if you decide you don’t want what you created and you want to add something from the bookshelf instead (realize this will delete what you created).
To add a book from the Bookshelf, click on “Link from Bookshelf.” You will see a list of the books you have on your bookshelf. Select the book you want and click either “Link to Book” or “Link to Chapter.” “Link to Book” will link to the first page of the LoudBook you are adding. “Link to Chapter” will allow you to link to a specific chapter of a book if it is available.
You will now see it listed under “Linked Content” and you can preview it or remove it.
When done, be sure to save.