Creating an Accommodated Quiz

To adjust the time for a student with a disability, you will need to complete the following steps.

STEP 1: Create a quiz that you want to give to the students. Once you have that set for all students that don’t need an accommodation add it to the path.


STEP 2: Now, you can add that quiz again to the path.  Once you add the second quiz, make sure you are in edit mode, rename it; for example, add an A or some identifier after the quiz name. You will also need to add the questions back to this quiz.


STEP 3: Once the quiz is renamed and the questions add, you will need to adjust any settings that will allow for the accommodation that the student(s) need(s).  Most of the time this is extending the time of the quiz; yet, this can be any setting that pertains to the accommodation.


STEP 4: Now that you have both quizzes created, stay in edit mode and click on ‘Rules’ at the top of the page.


STEP 5: You will see both quizzes listed on the left-hand side of the page.  You will release the original one to all students, except those that need accommodation and the accommodated one for students who requested the accommodation using the ‘Students’ column.


STEP 6: Click on the  (plus sign) in the Students column next to the quiz you want to release.  You will see a list of all the students in the class.  Select the students you want to release that quiz to and then use the arrow to move them over to the column on the right.


STEP 7: Once you do this to both quizzes, you will see the list of students in that column.


You are done and now the students will only see one quiz.  There will be two quizzes in the grade book.  Make sure you are adding your quizzes to a category.  The category will only add the columns that the student actually has a grade.  Therefore, you don’t have to worry about students seeing the column or too many points adding into their calculation.



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