When you decide you want to use Grade Sync to move your grades from Courseware to your Blackboard course, you will need to create links from Blackboard to the assessment in Courseware. This is an important step, since students will need to click on the link in Blackboard to make the connection between the assessment that you want them to take and your Blackboard grade book.
Determine Placement in Blackboard
To get started, you first need to determine where you want the links to appear in Blackboard. You can put it in your course content, or you may want to create a Content Area for these assessments. For example, you may want to call the area Chapter Quizzes.
Add Link in Blackboard
Once this area is created you can start adding your assessment links. To do this, click on ‘Build Content’ and then ‘Web Link.’
Setting Up Web Link in Blackboard
As you set up your Web Link, you will need the following information:
- Name: enter the name of your assessment
- URL: you will use the same URL here for all Grade Sync links you set up. You also used this link to provide your students single sign-on access into your course. Your URL will look like the following:
- https://InstitutionName.bnedcourseware.com/learningplatform/lms/lti/launch/<InstClassIDAppearsHere> (The URL is on your Details page of your course – click on “Copy Link.”)
- Enable Evaluation: make sure you select ‘Yes,’ so the grades will flow back into Blackboard.
- Points: it is best to make the points possible the same that is on Courseware, but if you change it, the system will convert the score.
- Visible to Students: make sure this link is visible to students, so they can click on it.
- Due Date: if you have a due date in Courseware, it is probably a good idea to include that date here as well.
Now that you added the link you should see it in your content area in Blackboard.
Creating the Connection to Courseware
To create the connection, click on the link that you just created. You will be directed to a page that will allow you to do three connections: Grade Sync, Resource Launch, or Path Launch. You will want to select the first option – Grade Sync (Default selection is Path Launch, so make sure you change it before clicking “Next.”) and then select “Next.”
You will be directed to a page with all the assessments listed by Chapter. The first chapter will be open. You can collapse this and open the chapter you need. Select the assessment you want synced and click “Pair” at the bottom of the page.
You will be asked if you want to continue pairing, select “Yes, Continue.”
It will confirm that the pairing was successful. Once you click “OK,” you will be directed to the page within Courseware. This gives you an opportunity to make sure you selected the correct assessment.
If you find that you paired the wrong assessment, you can click on “Edit Pairing” at the top of the screen.
This will direct you to a page that will allow you to change the assessment you are paired with.
You will also see a tab that allows you to look at who is paired and how they did on the assessment. If a you don’t see a student’s grade in Blackboard, but you see that they have taken it is Courseware, then you can click on this tab to see if they connected their assessment to the Blackboard course. Remember, students must click on the link in Blackboard first to connect it to their performance in Courseware.
If you do see the student in this list, but their grade isn’t in Blackboard, you can click on “Sync” at the top of the page to resync the grades between the two platforms.
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